Scriptable is an automation app for iOS, which lets you control your device with JavaScript.
There are lots of things you can do with Scriptable, it already has Siri Shortcuts support too.
A new approach to automation. Automate tasks using JavaScript with bridges to the native APIs such as the file system, alerts, pasteboard, image picker and much more.
Native APIs bridged to JavaScript with comprehensive documentation
Configure Siri Shortcuts to easily run scripts using Siri
Run a script with input from an activity sheet
All scripts are stored as files and can be accessed using
As we already have a bunch of automation nerds here, Scriptable is getting its own sub-category to help us trade scripts throughout the beta (and beyond!). Please make sure to file bug reports via TestFlight so that @Simonb can handle them appropriately - he’s naturally focusing on developing the app, and I’m in charge of the community
The TestFlight is currently closed, this post and thread will be updated if another beta sign up becomes available.
Is there a place where we can learn more about what Scriptable is?
I’m curious to know if it’s like a JavaScript version of Pythonista or a scripted version of Workflow/Shortcuts or something else entirely? Or is it better to just be surprised once downloading it.
There’s a new description from the latest TestFlight email:
A new approach to automation. Automate tasks using JavaScript with bridges to the native APIs such as the file system, alerts, pasteboard, image picker and much more.
Native APIs bridged to JavaScript with comprehensive documentation
Configure Siri Shortcuts to easily run scripts using Siri
Run a script with input from an activity sheet
All scripts are stored as files and can be accessed using
Odd, 5S is on device list but not iPhone 6/Plus. I guess I’ll wait until I’m actually running iOS 12 rather than sitting on TestFlight access for a month before I can actually use it.
I signed up because I wanted to play with the new Siri Shortcuts app, but that’s been MIA in the betas so far.
Scriptable has come along at a good time. There are a bunch of things I do in the Workflow App that are just plain awkward to implement there and I don’t see that improving when it becomes Siri Shortcuts. Now I have an alternative to play with!
I have dabbled with Pythonista but it doesn’t have good (any?) support for calendars built in. My first experiment with scriptable was for calendar access and it worked first time!
No doubt that it would be super useful but it’s also a very complex task. Maybe I’ll work on some slightly more advanced debugging features in the future but it’s not a priority at the moment. My focus right now is on stability and ensuring there is a good variety of bridges to native APIs.
Just an induvidual opinion, but if it’s an app that might be useful for Automation do a new post about it. If it isn’t Scriptable, then it would make sense not to mention it under the Scriptable category … unless of course you were integrating the two apps, in which case it would seem to me to be a reasonable fit.