76: Automating with Alfred

I have several playlists in Apple Music that I tend the listen to quite often. Is there an Alfred workflow that will bring up a list of designated playlists and let me select one? I searched Packal, but they seem to be way behind and are only maintaining Alfred 2 & 3.


If anyone is still looking for more Alfred goodness, I’ve just released an update for the Drafts workflow I created that was mentioned in the episode and earlier in this thread.

I’ve added the details of what’s in it over in the workflow’s thread on the Drafts forum, but if I say the biggest addition in the release is a set of ‘File Actions’, hopefully that will give you an idea of what to expect.


There is the built-in miniplayer. Type “itu” to launch it, then type “play” to get to your playlists and then you will see a list of your playlists. Then you can type the first few letters of the playlist to select it.

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oh boy, I learned so much with this episode and from the discussions here.

One thing always puzzled me and I hope that Alfred can solve for me.

I always want to set ‘advance search’ as default when I google

As an example I only want to see my search results that have been updated or created in last month, I have to go to Advance Search setting and enter 1 month

Can I set up a custom search in Alfred to automate this. If Alfred cannot do this, is there any other way (guess keyboard maestro ?)


I think I found the answer after search the Alfred Forum

let me know if anyone has additional thought to share, thanks

Thanks, Dom. I think that might do it. It looks like if I want to concentrate on a particular set of playlists, all I have to do is use a unique character in the title to, in effect, create a “group.” I’ll have to play with this.


For anyone making use of my Alfred Workflow for Drafts (aka “Doctor Drafts”), an update is available.

PSA: There are some new updates to some of the Alfred workflows mentioned in this episode.

To accompany the new universal actions feature in the Alfred 4.5 release, these are now available in my Alfred workflow for Drafts; as well as some other new functionality as well :wink:

Basically, several new options around getting content into Drafts, and also for searching for Drafts-related things.

Also, for anyone using my Alfred workflow for Keyboard Maestro, Conductor, a new version of that is available that includes some fallback search options for macros.

If you forget the trigger, start typing in the name of the Keyboard Maestro macro, then select the execution option.

At that point you can select the macro that matches and execute it.


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New Alfred section of the Omni Automation website