1-way syncing from multiple Google calendars to 1 central Google calendar?

I’ve been searching for days for what I assume is a common problem. This helpful article comes close.

I have multiple Fantastical calendars (10+) to help me sort my life. Plus, I’m often adding/deleting calendars.

There are people in my life who need to know when I’m free and busy (family, clients), and it’s neither feasible to ask them to add 10+ calendars of mine to their computer and iPhone calendars…nor is it practical to give them a calendly-styled link because they aren’t always trying to book a meeting with me. They just need to know when I’m free or busy.

I’m trying to 1-way sync all of my calendars (showing free/busy information only) to 1 central Google calendar, which I can then share with those people who need to see my free/busy schedule.

There doesn’t seem to be an easy native or software service solution that I can find. Has anyone tackled this problem?

I have two work calendars that don’t touch each other (1 for client, 1 for job), but I want to make sure that colleagues are aware of the meetings I have at my client’s.

What I did was write a shortcut that would copy each event from my client’s calendar to my work calendar, but each time called “Client meeting”.

Here’s the link of that shortcut: Shortcuts

As you’re working with multiple calendars you could either duplicate the shortcut and change the source/destination calendars, or make those as input variables and run that shortcut multiple times.

What is left is to make the shortcut run regularly. I personally just make it run on each wake on my Mac through BetterTouchTool, but there are many ways to run a shortcut regularly like your article suggests.

Hope this helps



Thanks so much for this! I will give it a try across all calendars and see how it goes.