A tip that took me a while to figure out – make sure the script is not set to “always run in app”, or the widget won’t work
Obligatory xkcd widget - https://gist.github.com/supermamon/c1d5a3a2a5c58af25f731f42eb8e5af2
- Use current or random comic
- Show/Hide alt caption
- Choose between dark/light mode or follow system
Loving it so far. I made a simple one that displays calendar events in the range of -1 hours -> +2 hours from now. Tapping the widget prompts you to select one of those events to create a templated Bear note for.
Code (without creation of note) is here: https://gist.github.com/jsloat/3f30185daaa6efd7fdd42d26d67b500c
Is there a way to do horizontal layouts in the widget? For example, if I wanted image on the left side and text on the right?
That is not currently supported. Many people have asked to it so I’m thinking of ways to support it.
It should automatically refresh during the day.
Really love seeing all the awesome widgets everyone is building! Thanks for sharing! And keep them coming!
Sorry for basically asking for swiftUI in JS
No problem, just posted it here: https://gist.github.com/jsloat/3f30185daaa6efd7fdd42d26d67b500c
I didn’t include the creating of a new note code in there, but let me know if you’d like to see it.
Spun up another one tonight – overdue reminders:
Code here: https://gist.github.com/jsloat/ed39375dadfc3496030b53c466d43350
Really awesome work @simonbs! So much fun to have this available on launch day and get to play around with it. Looking forward to building some more advanced functionality in the future.
Is anyone else seeing an issue where 2 different widgets will show the same content? Wondering if it has to do with multiple widgets of the same size or something
This simple script shows an image located in the Files app.
// Pass the full filename (including file extension) as a parameter when configuring the widget.
// The script assumes that the image is located in the root of Scriptable's folder in iCloud Drive.
let filename = args.widgetParameter
let img = getImage(filename)
let widget = createWidget(img)
if (!config.runsInWidget) {
function createWidget(img) {
let w = new ListWidget()
w.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0)
let wimg = w.addImage(img)
return w
function getImage(filename) {
let fm = FileManager.iCloud()
let dir = fm.documentsDirectory()
let filePath = fm.joinPath(dir, filename)
return fm.readImage(filePath)
Today view using Todoist and Toggl.
You can find the code here: https://github.com/jacobpretorius/Scriptable-Scripts/blob/master/Today-View.js
It needs an Azure Function which is also linked in the comments,
Also wrote a blogpost guide about it yesterday if anyone is interested: https://jcpretorius.com/post/2020/custom-javascript-ios-14-widgets-with-scriptable
I have once noticed that. More often I have noticed a large widget showing it’s first line of text repeated at the bottom over another line. It doesn’t happen when run from the Scriptable app.
Is there any way to specify a widget refresh frequency or rate?
Is there a way to use Location from a widget?
When running from the app, I can get the location, but from a widget, I see this error:
I noticed that apps like Maps and Weather now have new permission under privacy: While using the App or Widgets
. Maybe Scriptable is missing this permission?
Update: Using non-beta versions of iOS 14.0 and Scriptable 1.5 (161)
Update 2: Here is a minimal script to demonstrate the issue:
let widget = await createWidget()
if (!config.runsInWidget) {
await widget.presentSmall()
async function createWidget(items) {
let w = new ListWidget()
const latLong = await Location.current()
const loc = `${latLong.latitude}/${latLong.longitude}`
return w
will there be a way to define multiple tap targets for the medium and large widgets?
maybe something like WidgetText.url property (for consistency with the ListWidget.url property)?
Unfortunately not. iOS decides the update cycle. It seems to update less frequently if your iPhone is in energy saving mode.