@jsnell Would be really interested in seeing a gist of your “ugly” Scriptable widget version whenever you’re ready to share. I’m sure I’m not the only one who wants a widget that combines WeatherKit forecasts, a local weather station (a Netatmo in my case) for current conditions, and displays the result as something similar to WeatherLine.
You mentioned on a podcast this week that you don’t think of these kinds of things as your “job” for Six Colors, that you do it because it’s fun. It’s fun for others, too, and it’s one of the reasons a Six Colors membership is worth paying for.
(You don’t hold these back to members only, I don’t think, but as I see it, memberships give you the flexibility to do more than just “the job” part of covering the Apple and Apple-adjacent technology world.)
Hi there, this widget now supports the so called Blood Donation Barometer [Blutspende-Barometer] for the German Red Cross [Deutsches Rotes Kreuz: DRK] AND the Swiss Red Cross [Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz: SRK].
I wrote this a few years ago to display a forum I visit a lot latest posts.
The script can actually be used on other Discourse forums such as this one Scriptable with a couple of changes to some constants. i.e url to forum .json file for latest posts.
I have added a new example which displays the latest Scriptable posts. So thought it was now worth posting here.
On my extra large widget, I have a fake widget which presents all my reminders.
I would (by touch it) to flip between each reminder, so I call my script by url scheme but it open scriptable but there is no refresh on the screen.
Is anybody had an idea to do it with another method ?
In shortcuts there is an action “Refresh all widgets” from Scriptable. You can make a shortcut which has only this action in it and call it within your script with the URL shortcuts://run-shortcut?name=[name] where you replace [name] with the name of your shortcut where each space is replaced with %20 in the name. E.g. you have a shortcut My Shortcut then the URL is shortcuts://run-shortcut?name=My%20Shortcut.
It still may take some minutes to update when you have multiple Scriptable widgets because this only tells iOS “hey, please update all Scriptable widgets” but then iOS can decide in which order.
Not sure how many of you are on Mastodon, but thought I’d share this here with you!
Mastodon Latest Widget
This widget displays the latest post from a specified user. To specify the user you want to display, simply add the URL to their profile into the Widget Parameter and let the code do its thing.
If the latest post of a user is less than 150 characters, it will show the latest two posts if it is a Medium widget (shown in the double example)
Think there’s a way to do something similar to scrobble from Apple Music? I have an app that does it, but it only picks up songs that have been added to your library. If you’re just streaming something it won’t count it.
Also, I’ve never built a script before in my life, so…
I do not manage to re-launch scriptable (to flip reminders) by touch the widget; please, see 4 posts ago on this topic.
A work around is to use the iOS stack with the same scriptable but with different args.
I’m finalizing the weather (medium version) script with the same solution.
But, is there any other solution?
This is a daily weather widget with live weather station data. However the widget does not get into any details of how to get those data sources–it is loading cached WeatherKit data from my server. You’ll need to adapt to get something, but it does actually graph forecast highs and conditions. (Apologies, no lows displayed in the graph - I live in California.)
New forum user here. I’ve created (with lots of help from AI) a widget that grabs all of the tasks from my Obsidian Vault and displays the most urgent ones in priority order. The widget has a light and dark theme. It also separates tasks between those assigned to you, and those assigned to others (tasks either in a file with an @ sign or that have a link in the task name to a file with an @ sign). The script honors the Obsidian Tasks emoji format. I styled it similarly to the Things task widget. When you click on a task, it takes you to the file the task is from in your Obsidian vault.