Widget Examples

Hello, i made here a widget that displays the currently playing song on spotify using the Last.fm API.

Just create a Last.fm account, connect it to Spotify, create a developer account, and get an API key.
You’ll have to paste you user name and api key in the code.
I couldnt make the widget update more frecuently, if someone can just let me know.
//Replace "USER" with you last.fm user and "APIKEY" with the api key for your user.

let url = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=user.getrecenttracks&user=USER&api_key=APIKEY&format=json&limit=1" 
let req = new Request(url)
async function createWidget(nowPlaying) {
  let widget = new ListWidget()
    // load image
  const coverArt = await loadImage(nowPlaying.recenttracks.track[0].image[3]["#text"])
     widget.backgroundImage = coverArt
      // set gradient background
  let startColor = new Color("#1c1c1c19")
  let endColor = new Color("#1c1c1cb4")
  let gradient = new LinearGradient()
  gradient.colors = [startColor, endColor]
  gradient.locations = [0.0, 1]
  widget.backgroundGradient = gradient
    widget.backgroundColor = new Color("1c1c1c")
  // add title and artist
    let title = nowPlaying.recenttracks.track[0].name.toLowerCase()
    // capitalize every first character 
    title = title.replace(/\b\w/g, function(c) {
      return c.toUpperCase();
  let titleTxt = widget.addText(title)
  titleTxt.font = Font.boldSystemFont(12)
  titleTxt.textColor = Color.white()
    let artist = nowPlaying.recenttracks.track[0].artist["#text"]
    // capitalize every first character 
    artist = artist.replace(/\b\w/g, function(c) {
      return c.toUpperCase();
  let artistTxt = widget.addText(artist)
  artistTxt.font = Font.systemFont(10)
  artistTxt.textColor = Color.yellow()
  artistTxt.textOpacity = 1
  widget.setPadding(8, 15, 10, 5)
  widget.url = nowPlaying.recenttracks.track[0].url
  return widget
// helper function to load and parse a restful json api
async function loadNowPlaying(coverArt) {
  const req = new Request(url)
  const json = await req.loadJSON()
  return json
// helper function to download an image from a given url
async function loadImage(imgUrl) {
  const url = imgUrl !== null ? imgUrl : placeholder;
  const req = new Request(url)
  const image = await req.loadImage()
  return image
const nowPlaying = await loadNowPlaying()
const widget = await createWidget(nowPlaying)


Can share your code?

To test the stacks feature I built a Spotify Now Playing widget. It uses the more complex Spotify Authorization Code Flow which is needed to access a user‘s playback information. The widget automatically refreshes expired access tokens. I also built a Siri Shortcut to simplify the initial setup.

Gist and setup instructions:

Even though it’s been a lot of work this widget is more a proof of concept. It will lag behind since it‘s not possible to force an update of widgets and only iOS alone will decide when to refresh.


The Unsplash calendar widget don’t work any more with the pictures.

I think something is wrong with the Unsplash API. If I change the query from “nature” to “nature,water”, it works now.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Calendar & Reminders

Hi, I’m really new to this sorry!
Could anyone write a script for something like this?

I think there was probably some problems hours ago with the API. It’s normal now for me.

If you use the script I posted earlier, there’s a spot where you can add your own code. I used @riverwolf’s greeting code for this:

// Get the current date
const date = new Date()

// Format the greeting (thank you riverwolf)
let greeting = "Good "
if (date.getHours() < 6) {
	greeting = greeting + "night."
} else if (date.getHours() < 12) {
	greeting = greeting + "morning."
} else if (date.getHours() < 17) {
	greeting = greeting + "afternoon."
} else if (date.getHours() < 21) {
	greeting = greeting + "evening."
} else {
	greeting = greeting + "night."

// Format the date
let df = new DateFormatter()
df.dateFormat = "EEEE, MMMM d"

// Format the widget

let greetingText = widget.addText(greeting)
greetingText.font = Font.boldSystemFont(36)
greetingText.textColor = Color.white()

let dateText = widget.addText(df.string(date))
dateText.font = Font.regularSystemFont(18)
dateText.textColor = Color.white()


I think it looks pretty similar:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Radio Paradise Now Playing

Hi, I realise I have been a little quiet on here and missed some replies / questions.

I am working on a couple of ideas, in the meantime I have updated my reddit widget. The standard uses the old method, the new uses stacks and has links to open the post too.

Here is a screenshot of the two side by side:

Code can be found here:



The parameter is as follows:
The client to open @ the subreddit @ placeholder - this was for debugging @ whether to show pics (this is to be coded) @ How many entries - this will depend on font sizes ‘ verbosity of posts.

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30 posts were split to a new topic: OpenWeather Forecast

Thankyou so much!!!

This looks awesome! Getting this error though:

2020-09-30 09:37:21: Error on line 103:25: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: shouldRound

Any ideas?

Hmm :thinking:, that’s strange, since the function is declared near the end of the file.

If someone got it to work, I would appreciate if you share a screenshot, I would like to see it on other devices :hugs:.

@jimmyhartington I was also confused about how to do this - here you go (purple highlights)!

@egamez Love this - thank you! how do we change the units to Fahrenheit :slightly_frowning_face:

found it! just change the units parameter to “imperial” on line 81 as follows:
weatherData = await new Request("https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/onecall?lat=" + LAT + "&lon=" + LON + "&exclude=daily,minutely,alerts&units=imperial&lang=en&appid=" + API_KEY).loadJSON();

here’s how it looks like on my screen.

Looks great on iPad Pro 12.9. Nice work on this Widget!