Shortcuts Widget Folder Selection

On the medium widget you can have 4 shorts buttons. I found the place where you can select the folder to us to display the shortcuts. My question is how do I select which shortcuts within the folder to display. For instance I created a “homepage menu” folder. In which I have 5 shortcuts, but the widget only displays 4. How do I pick which 4 it displays?

I think it should just take them from the top of the folder in Shortcuts. Try rearranging the shortcuts to put the widget ones at the top, or simply define a folder for that widget to use that just contains 4 shortcuts.

I have several folders for the widget shortcuts. I mostly store shortcuts in them that run the actual shortcuts. Silly, I know. Apple should have just implemented a “select multiple from list” here.

Not free but this application allows you to create a widget that would display more than 4 shortcuts.
Only downfall is that shortcut application launches to run the shortcut, they dont run from homescreen.