OpenWeather Forecast

I know it happens to us all

Do you know if it is possible to upload our own background images for this widget instead of using the color profile? It would be nice if it could use an image from the scriptable icloud folder as a background so I can make the widget match the wallpaper (and look transparent). Other than that, this works great!

I’m getting this error, don’t know why. Help?

Your weather line widget looks very nice thanks, but unfortunately on my iPhone the icons are totally messed up :sweat_smile:

Do you have an idea of the trouble?

Did you modify the icons? or using the @mzeryck SFSymbols version?

No, I haven’t touched the code, only the location and I’m using your version.

Is it possibile that’s a bug with the cache because I have another weather script in the Scriptable iCloud cache and your script reads the cache with other icons? Looks weird but I have no other ideas… I’m using the beta of scriptable.

Well :thinking:, if the other script uses the same ‘weatherCache’ folder inside the Scriptable one, and uses the same file names, yes (for example if is based on mine), but if you didn’t changed anything on the folder, only seeing the other script code could help to find the problem.

Yes same folder, I thinks this is the trouble, because the icons look like from the other script. What a curious bug. Here’s the code

Just a little mod of this script.

And now? How can I delete/clear the cache in the iCloud folder? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yep is based on mine, I consider this a bug of his part, because he should change the folder name in his code to prevent this.

You can simply delete the “weatherCache” folder, my script will re-create it and download the assets.
If you want to use both widgets you can change the folder name on the line 53 of your code.

Got it, thanks! I haven’t realized that the scriptable Weathercache folder was simply inside the iCloud/file app, sorry! And thanks for the help!