I saw my tone could be noted as rude, did not mean it that way. Your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps there is not a problem with the triggers let´s wait and see.
I remain confident that background execution will be allowed. After all, the old Home routines were triggered automatically based on location and/ or time of day. Since Apple seems to have merged those systems (at least from a UI perspective) I think it will work.
You could be right of cause, although mainly because of security reasons. On the other hand, there seems to be a kind of “trusted sources” for Shortcuts now.
If they do it I will be very happy, who knows let’s wait and see.
Now on beta 2, still clicking required
Q) How many developer beta testers have raised this to the Shortcuts team?
I wrote to them, but I’m pretty confident this is a power issue, maybe with a dash of security paranoia. Hell they are just now enabling NFC, typical apple.
On dev beta 3, time tigger does not work at all. I’m going to check out but seems no true automation is in sight.
above applies to dev beta 3 revised
After a bit of digging, testing feedback, Alarm, Carplay, Airplane Mode, Do Not Disturb, Low Power Mode, and NFC can run automatically, but only with certain actions.
Example Actions that require unlocking
Require unlocking - Run App
Dont require unlocking - If, Brightness, Home Control, Create Reminder, Music, Messages
Confirmation/unlock Required | Some actions require unlocking | ||
Time Of Day | * | ||
Alarm | * | ||
Apple Watch Workout | * | Not sure about this one can anyone confirm. | |
Arrive | * | ||
Leave | * | ||
Before I Leave | * | ||
CarPlay | * | ||
Airplane Mode | * | ||
Wi-Fi | * | ||
Bluetooth | * | ||
Do Not Disturb | * | ||
Low Power Mode | * | ||
NFC | * | ||
Open App | * | Your phone would have to be unlocked to open the app anyway. |
Above is why I think this was done with intention and this is how ios13 shortcuts will ship, too bad, they opted to make reminders for shortcuts, not automation.
Actually someone has just comeback to me and said that Reminders works as a non unlock action for them, but I cant repeat it. Would be nice to have a list of which actions do/dont require unlocking although can probably guess at a lot of them.
Reminders/Messages/Music all confirmed as no unlocking on automations that say some actions require unlocking
I think what @viticci said seems to be pretty accurate:
any trigger that has a distinct “user interaction” of any kind (like tapping an NFC sticker, or getting into a car, or opening an app) can execute in the background.
triggers that might occur without the user noticing can not run without a confirmation.
one could of course argue that arriving or leaving a place is a physical action the user is aware of - but even like this the story checks out in my mind.
also, I am pretty sure that it is not about battery, but about Apple being Apple.
they will not allow you to accidentally do funky things you are not aware of - even if you really want to. like it or not: sounds 100% on purpose to me
any trigger that has a distinct “user interaction” of any kind (like tapping an NFC sticker, or getting into a car, or opening an app) can execute in the background * depending on the actions in the Shortcut
Attended automations, vs unattended its kind of a perfect example of Apple thinking about design in terms of interactions. Interactions are of course important and always will be, but other considerations like situation should be considered and given more weight at times, Apple often seems to not get this, Ive is a great loss to the company, but have to wonder if this is an example of how a different design philosophy, because its not just about the curves, could help Apple.
Or possibly I’m being a bit pretentious as I’m not sure how I got from automations to design.
Yeah, it’s Apple being Apple. Still, I don’t get the reason why? The user sets up the automatons along with the schedule. I think this goes a bit deeper. I could see this may be putting pressure on their servers. Like automatically add text to a clouded service multiple times a day along with automated messages. More and more I sense it’s not about protecting the user but making sure apple can handle the load. I mean we can today do all of this without user interaction on a mac, which is a couple of millions. But with iPhones, the scale is quite different.
“User sets up”…
… If I send you a Shortcut and you install it then the author is ME, not YOU. If I were malicious…
I know what you mean, but I feel like if a user is not savvy enough to check this before they set up an automation, then they’re not any more likely to check it before they click ‘run’ on the notification.
I feel like the warnings that you’re going to access an API/the internet/whatever that have been introduced are a better safeguard against that kind of malicious Shortcut.
Maybe I’m not understanding you correctly. The user cannot install third party shortcuts outside the store without allowing it under settings. So the safeguard is already there or am I missing something?
But does the average user walk through the shortcut, figuring out what it does and if it’s safe?
(And nobody vets the “store”.)
No, but those in control of the store does.
Yes. There is a use case where you don’t have to be next to your phone. When you create a new automation, there is an option of “when I arrive”. Location based automation. When you arrive, it should be able to send a message without requiring me to unlock the phone. Automation of this type is pretty useless if it requires you to be active and unlocked.