Can't I update multiple charts in a single Personal Automation?

My government posts the new COVID-19 numbers at the same time every day. I have several shortcuts that update graphs based on these numbers, as well as one Scriptable script that generates an overview. I have made a single Personal Automation that first runs the Scriptable script and then all those shortcuts, 15 minutes after the new numbers are published. Unfortunately only the Scriptable script seems to be executed, as none of the graphs is updated.

Can’t I combine these things in a single Personal Automation?

(Do I need to make a separate automation for each script/shortcut?)

Have you tried putting the Scriptable script call at the end?

I know that calling Scriptable from Shortcuts (rather than embedded) has to be the last thing a shortcut does. That’s come up a few times before; but pre-widgets.

No, have not tried that.

I will change the order on one of my devices and will check tomorrow whether it makes a difference,