Bit stuck on a workflow

Hi all, I’d like to achieve the following:

  1. Tell Alfred ‘Teams Meeting’ (yes, that’s my life now…)
  2. Alfred runs my ‘Teams Meeting’ Bunch (and my corresponding Moom setup gets run with this Bunch).
  3. My Keyboard Maestro ‘Headphone Totalmix Snapshot’ macro also runs (I have a fancy Fireface UFXII audio interface for my studio).

I’m struggling to get a bunch to run as part of an Alfred workflow, I have the excellent Bunch workflow installed, but I’m a bit stuck on both this as well as getting a Keyboard Maestro macro to run from within Alfred.

Sorry, this is a bit of a basic one, and also I’m not great at Applescript or anything (yet) so if any tips could be kept stricly ‘newbie’, I’d be most grateful. Thanks so much.


Okay, so you could trigger your Keyboard Maestro macro from your bunch. Keyboard Maestro has URL triggers for macros, so you could open that. This is by far the simplest method even though there are various scripting options too - all of the options you simply copy and paste from Keyboard Maestro which makes it easy (though if you have my Alfred workflow for Keyboard Maestro, you can copy the URL directly).

However, I’ve simply had a go at putting together an example Alfred workflow for you that should do what you ask (it opens Teams, triggers a bunch, and triggers a Keyboard Maestro macro in my testing). There’s a bunch of config you will be prompted for, and some optional timing delays if you find you need them for any reason (they are defaulted to zero).

If that happens to be the Alfred workflow for Bunch I created, then do note that the workflow above could be modified to use the com.thoughtasylum.cluster.openBunch flow using a Call External action instead - removing any script in this Teams Meeting workflow entirely.

Hope that helps.

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Stephen hi, this is brilliant and thanks so much for taking the time. It works (nearly) perfectly. I’ve modified it slightly so that Totalmix opens rather than Teams (Teams is included in the bunch, so it’s redundant). Fantastic!

The only part of the workflow that isn’t quite working is the final stage. This is user error/lack of knowledge. I’m just not sure about how to run a macro from a URL, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out.

Really appreciate you taking the time, and thanks again.


Actually I figured it out, it wasn’t too complex. For any fellow newbies reading this and wanting to follow along, you can get the url this way (there may be a better way as well!)

Thanks again! Super helpful. I’ll copy this one for a whole bunch (no pun intended) of stuff. Much appreciated.

I was just about to post a very similar looking screenshot,

If you add the URL into your Bunch, then you do have the advantage of that always taking place - everything then being consolidated into one location. This then means that regardless of how you trigger the bunch, you will always get the full effect.

So you could pare down the example flow to just a trigger and a script action to run the Buch, or, if you have Cluster, a trigger and a call external action. In fact you can could even set things to toggle. There’s a walk through on how to do that, though it uses a hotkey/keyboard shortcut rather than a keyword, but the principle is the same.

I then just keep these in a separate workflow to Cluster:


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Lovely stuff Stephen, you’re most kind, I appreciate it.

I’ll check this out asap and implement it. For now, it’s all working a charm, so I’ll tweak this/install Cluster (I don’t have it).

Thanks for the help!