Adjusting date to 1 minute before and after midnight

I’m trying to build a shortcut that will extract data for a given day. I can use the Date input to pick a Day, which always has the hours and minutes of the time when it was picked. I’d like to set two variables, say Start and End, to 00:00:00 on Day and 23:59:59 on Day.

I will be using Start and End to construct a url that I will open in Safari.

I’ve tried various options with Date Adjust, but none of them seem to stick.

Any suggestions gratefully received.



Try this

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Wow, thanks. Can I ask, where would you format the provided input to represent it as yyyy-MM-dd?

Tap the Provided Input variable and you should be able to see the options on the popup.

Ah. I was doing this in OSX, and could not see those options.

Thanks for your help.

To my amazement, and with the help of GPT, I managed to write a Python program that does exactly what I need. I now need to create a zsh script and attach that to an Alfred trigger and I will have the shortcut (not Shortcut) I need.