74: Stream Deck: Going Large

Just dipped my toe in with a large Stream Deck. Not had a chance to play with it much. Just set up some basic MS Teams functions

EDIT - it’s the medium. I’m always exaggerating size

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Just for info, the one in the photo is the medium, not the large.

I too have the medium :wink:

Cool. Thought it was “large” then XL :man_facepalming: Are you enjoying it?

That’s a fair point on the names actually. I called it the medium as it was the medium size of the three. Some people call it “the classic”. The actual names according to the purchase lists are:

  • Elgato Stream Deck Mini (6 keys)
  • Elgato Stream Deck (15 keys)
  • Elgato Stream Deck XL (32 keys)

I’ve had mine for probably 18-20 months now I think and I use it daily on my work PC (Windows), and my Macbook Pro when I’m at my desk or have packed it to travel, though there isn’t much of that right now. I make a lot of use of it so I guess I enjoy it. I certainly miss it when I don’t have it.

My kids on the other hand do enjoy running things like the Disco plugin or some of the photo buttons I have set up inside one of my profiles, when they drop by my desk.


These things are like crack. I am up to three now.


Did you get it wet or feed it after midnight ? :wink:


I’m only missing the big guy. I’m probably not going to get one as MetaGrid is showing much promise.

Hi all, like a few of you have mentioned this was a dear episode but I am loving my Stream Deck.

QQ though. I am using the Web Action to drive Omnifocus perspectives via url callback. BUT … I am struggling to launch perspectives that have emoji e.g. “Admin :innocent:” (yes, Im ‘one of them types’). Is there a secret incantation / formatting that I should be using?

Thanks in advance

You’ll need to URL encode the names, and I’m not sure how emoji are URL encoded, possibly as their codepoint equivalents?

I got the regular Stream Deck. Here’s my desktop!

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It is certainly easy enough to just run the name of the perspective through a URL encoder, either online or locally:

Shell Script to URL Encode the Clipboard
function urlencode(){echo "${@}" | perl -MURI::Escape -ne 'chomp;print uri_escape($_),"\n"'}
cb=$(pbpaste -Prefer txt)
encoded=$(urlencode "$cb")
echo -n $encoded | pbcopy

URL encodes text on the clipboard and replaces the content on the clipboard.

Then just append it to the omnifocus:///perspective/ URL.

For example, encoding Admin 😇 gives me Admin%20%F0%9F%98%87, and the resulting URL worked when I temporarily set-up a perspective and tested it:


I think the emoji encoding is probably related to the UTF-8/-16 encoding, but I’m not sure either. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Hope that helps.

Thanks @RosemaryOrchard and @sylumer - as an aspiring Automator rather than a natural these explanations where amazing. Now I am off to re-emojify my Perspectives :sunglasses:

I just got a stream deck mini for christmas. So far All I have it doing is firing off some shortcuts but even for that, it’s pretty useful. I definitely can see where people fall down a rabbit hole and want more buttons. If I ever upgrade to a larger one the mini is likely going to come to work.

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